Friday, January 22, 2010

When You Say

here's my new favorite YouTube singer : Gabe Bondoc.
lagunya yang ini baguuus banget, bisa diliat liriknya :


I remember the first time
it's always playing in my mind
I've never felt like this before

and every time that you kiss me
feels like I'm having a sweet dream
and i'mma never feel the way i do with anyone else

my pulse is racing
when I see your face and
here is what you're doing to me

when you
when you say
you love
love me
I can feel my heart
beat beat
race behind my chest

every time is the first time
so I pretend it's the last time
that I'mma ever hear you say those words
three little words

I wanna hold you forever
I promise that I ain't never
never ever gonna let you go
I want you to know

my pulse is racing
when I see your face and
here is what you're doing to me


if ever you question my feelings
place your hand on my heart, you'll feel it's beating for you
cuz he knows, he knew before I did
I'm not scared, I'm tired of hiding
I know that it's you because


cakep pula orangnya hihihi

grade 12's pressures


gak bakal sering-sering kaya dulu sih, tapi yang penting gw udah "bangkit" dari hiatus panjang haha :D

baidewei, gw gak mau ceritain semua kejadian dari mei 2009-januari 2010 ya, sekarang gw cuma mau cerita tentang... hm... kelas 12.

kelas 12 itu : exhausting. tiap hari les, di sekolah pm ini itu, belom lagi kalo ada waktu kosong temen-temen pada ngerjain soal apapun yang bisa ditemuin. males sih gw, tapi kan gondok juga sendirian gak ngerjain soal gitu, jadi yaaa.... ikut deh :p

daaaan gw memutuskan buat milih fakultas Psikologi sama Teknik Industri. yeah, ipc memang. tapi mau diapain lagi? daridulu cita-cita emang Psikologi, jurusan IPA juga mungkin memang yang terbaik buat gw di SMA ini hihihi

apalagi yaaa? OH! fyi, I really not over him 'til now -_______-

Roses are pretty, violets are too.... You used to hurt me, why am I still in love with you?
smooches :)